Interest Groups
Interest Groups for 2024-2025 with descriptions and group leader(s) contact information. Touch base with leader(s) and check back here as dates added throughout the year. We hope you'll get involved with Interest Group(s) as many friendships developed within these groups.
Bible Study/Prayer Group
Join fellow prayer warriors to praise the Lord and thank Him for all He has done and is doing at Baylor and in our lives. Each meeting starts with a brief devotional and then prayer. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3). Schedule rotates email Christa for details.
Leader: Christa Oudshoorn
Book Club
Join a group of ladies who love to read! Books are selected at meetings by the members present. Meetings take place in member's homes on various nights throughout the year. We expect next book to be selected for a January 2025 meeting.
Leaders: Christine Wilkins and Lois Ferguson and Judy Maggard
IF: Baylor
At IF:Table, women come together to share a meal and engage in conversations about specific topics related to how God is working in their lives, offering encouragement to one another. Each gathering includes four conversation card questions and intentionally brings together women of all ages, stages, and seasons of life to deepen the connections among participants and with God. Please reach out to for more details, including the current schedule.
Leader: Sara Perry
Off-Campus Lunch Group
The off-campus lunch group meets several times during the fall and spring semesters at various Waco restaurants to enjoy good food and fellowship.
Leaders: Kathy Hillman and Janet Wright
On-Campus Lunch Group
Gather at dining restaurants around campus for lunch and conversation during the fall and spring semesters. You get food, friends and fellowship! First Fridays at 1-2 in Penland (near the windows by the dessert area). Fall 2024 semester: November 1 and December 6. Spring 2025 semester: February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2.
Leader: Deborah Focarile
Virtual Meetings
Join ladies virtually to develop community and fellowship.
Leader: Christine Wilkins