Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Baylor Round Table.
Article II. OBJECT
The object of this organization shall be to assist in the development of the social and cultural life of Baylor University.
Section 1. The membership of the Baylor Round Table shall consist of active members. Membership invitations shall be extended to all eligible women. A woman becomes an active member upon acceptance of the invitation and payment of specified dues.
Section 2. Eligibility for Membership - Females associated with positions categorized as regular faculty and staff, active or retired, as outlined below are eligible for membership:
a. Female faculty and staff
b. Female spouses and widows of faculty and staff
c. Female visiting faculty and female spouses of visiting faculty
Section 3. Annual dues shall be $45.00. A Newcomer may have complimentary membership in Baylor Round Table during her first year in Baylor Round Table.
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President who shall serve as President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee will be composed of the Vice President/President-elect and three members elected by the Executive Board before December 1 for the purpose of filling officer roles for the following year. The Vice President shall present a slate of committee members with designated chair to the Executive Board for consideration. The President shall not be involved in the election of the Nominating Committee, and neither the President nor Nominating Committee members shall be eligible for office. The Nominating Committee shall present candidates for the offices to be filled to the membership, followed by a vote taken by March 1.
Section 3. Officers shall be installed at a spring meeting and shall assume office on June 1. All officers shall serve for one year.
Section 4. If a vacancy occurs in any office other than Vice-President, the President shall appoint a member to serve the remainder of the term. A vacancy in the office of Vice-President shall be filled by nomination from the Nominating Committee and election by the membership at the following meeting.
Section 5. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Baylor Round Table.
Section 6. The President shall set the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Baylor Round Table and the Executive Board. She shall determine a theme for the year. She shall appoint all committees and designate their chairs except for the Nominating Committee. She shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 7. The Vice-President shall serve as President-elect of the Baylor Round Table. She shall preside in the absence of the President, serve as ex-officio of the Membership Committee, and assume responsibility for the annual membership tea. The Vice-President shall assume the office of President if the President is unable to serve.
Section 8. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all membership and Executive Board meetings. She shall maintain the records of the Round Table, including the bylaws and minutes. The Secretary shall prepare the order of business based on previous minutes.
Section 9. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of Round Table funds. The Treasurer must be a Baylor employee in order to maintain access to internal technology for financial aspects. The Treasurer shall work with the University to collect and disburse funds according to the procedure adopted by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall make a full financial report annually and interim reports to the Executive Board at each meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as chair of the Budget Committee.
Section 10. The Parliamentarian shall advise the President and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure.
Section 11. The Historian shall annually prepare a narrative account of the Baylor Round Table activities which shall become a permanent part of the organization’s official history and The University Archives.
Section 1. Baylor Round Table meetings shall be scheduled by the President, in consultation with the Executive Board members. Baylor Round Table shall meet at least six times between September and May. Members present at a meeting of the Baylor Round Table shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Electronic voting may be utilized in matters upon approval by a simple majority of the Executive Board.
Section 1. The officers of the organization, the chairs of standing committees other than the Nominating Committee, special appointees, and the immediate past president shall constitute the Executive Board. The vice-chair may represent standing committees at Executive Board meetings in the absence of the chair.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Baylor Round Table between its meetings, make recommendations to the membership, determine an amount to be donated to the Round Table Scholarship fund each May, and perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws.
Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President. Eight members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. An Anniversary Committee of at least three members assume responsibility for the anniversary celebration of Baylor Round Table.
Section 2. A Budget Committee of at least three members shall prepare and present a budget for adoption by the organization at the first business meeting of the year. The Treasurer shall chair the Budget Committee.
Section 3. A Chaplain Committee of at least three members shall identify and respond to the needs of the members, send appropriate correspondence, maintain member and retiree connections, and represent Baylor Round Table in faith-based matters.
Section 4. A Christmas Committee of at least three members shall assume responsibility for the Christmas meeting. The Committee shall coordinate scholarship efforts with the Scholarship Committee.
Section 5. A Hostess Committee of at least three members shall secure hostesses for meetings as requested by the President or Program Chair.
Section 6. An International Dinner Committee of at least three members shall plan a dinner honoring Baylor international students.
Section 7. A Membership Committee of at least three members shall invite eligible women for membership in the Baylor Round Table, maintain membership lists, and coordinate with the Public Relations Committee to design and publish the yearbook. At least one person of the Membership Committee must be a Baylor employee in order to maintain access to internal technology. The Membership Chair shall collect membership dues for deposit. The Vice-President shall serve as an ex-officio of this Committee.
Section 8. A Newcomers Committee of at least three members shall welcome and encourage Round Table participation by newcomers in their first year at Baylor and/or in Baylor Round Table. They shall also introduce newcomers to Baylor traditions and services available to them at Baylor and in the community. Newcomers are defined as new hires to Baylor or spouses of new hires to Baylor, and first-time members of Baylor Round Table.
Section 9. A Program Committee of at least three members shall plan programs to be approved by the Executive Board. The Committee shall coordinate all aspects of the program, including content, location, and budget.
Section 10. A Public Relations Committee of at least three members shall coordinate all matters of internal and external communication, including the website, electronic communications, photography opportunities for internal and external publicity and promotions, and preparation and distribution of a newsletter.
Section 11. A Scholarship Committee of at least three members shall supervise the Baylor Round Table Scholarship Fund, coordinate fund-raising efforts for the scholarship, and send written acknowledgements to those making contributions. At least one member of the Committee shall carry over to the following year to provide continuity.
Section 12. A Style Show Committee of at least three members shall assume responsibility for the final meeting of the year. The Committee shall coordinate scholarship efforts with the Scholarship Committee.
Section 13. An Interest Group Committee of at least three members shall offer additional involvement opportunities to the membership.
Section 14. The President shall appoint a chair to each committee and the chair shall be responsible for appointing additional committee members. The chair of each committee shall appoint a vice-chair to lead committee meetings and/or represent the committee on the Executive Board in the chair’s absence.
Section 15. Such other committees, standing or special, and appointees shall be appointed by the President from time to time as the President or the Executive Board of the Baylor Round Table deem necessary to carry on the work of the organization.
Section 16. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of those present provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous regular meeting.
(Approved 5/3/16)
(Amended 5/1/18)
(Amended 3/4/22)